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[닌텐도 스위치] 틴포일 프리샵 무료로 사용 방법 / Nintendo Switch tinfoil free shop / 커펌 사용시 게임 업데이트



2024년 5월

새로운 프리샵


비스킷 샵 액세스 승인 후 접속하면 나오는 화면
리베라샵 접속되면 나오는 화면






# liberashop
회원가입 없이 틴포일에 추가하면 바로 사용가능





현재 가입 중지

The Biscuit Shop


Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities

Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.

회원가입 후 액세스 승인 요청하면 나오는 개인용 ID와 PASS를 틴포일에 입력하면 사용가능

속도 잘나옴 / 10메가 이상

틴포일 17 버전 이상 설치해야 사용가능


DLC 다운과 업데이트 모두 정상 작동


틴포일 다운로드

게임 실행이나 틴포일 실행이 안되면 시그패치를 최신 버전으로 할것





아래 주소들은 모두 서비스 종료

도움이 되셨음 광고 클릭





2023년 7월  1일 이후 주소가 변경됨


젤다의 전설 - 티어스 오브 킹덤







다운 속도는 10메가 전후입니다.

1.틴포일은 16.0이 최신 버전을 다운받아 설치할것


2.설치 후 만약  틴포일 실행이 안되면 시그패치를 새로 해줄것

혹은 아래 파일 설치후 실행후 업데이트



pixel shop 사용법


Step 1: get password/shop info Visit the 🔐|

how-to-access channel for instructions to get your password and the other settings you need. If you can't see or talk in this channel it is because you're missing the visitor role, please leave & rejoin the discord server. -------- /enter must be entered as a command, not plain text. If not typed correctly you will see a 'content blocked' message. See these screenshots for an example. If you have problems using Discord mobile app, update your app or try it from the web/PC app.

Do not share your password with anyone.

Do not type your password in this channel, discord server, or anywhere else except Tinfoil.

It should only be typed in Tinfoil.


디스코드 접속








Step 2: add to Tinfoil Once you have your password and the other shop details: open Tinfoil, go to the File Browser tab and press - (minus), then add the info from 🔐|how-to-access . Your passcode goes in the password field. Do not share your password with anyone. Do not type your password in this channel, discord server, or anywhere else except Tinfoil. It should only be typed in Tinfoil. Restart Tinfoil when done, and open the ✅|switch-confirm channel before going to the next step.



화면에 나온 주소와 유저이름, 패스워드를 입력한 후 추가

패스워드는 고유번호이니 공유금지



Step 3: confirm Keep the ✅|switch-confirm channel open for this step. After adding shop and restarting Tinfoil, you will get a pop-up message in Tinfoil saying you need to confirm to bind the switch to your key. Go to ✅|switch-confirm and find the message that has your name tagged, then press the green button (you will see other names but only yours will work). The prompt is valid for 5 minutes - if you don't see it or it expires, just close & reopen Tinfoil and it will be sent again. Restart Tinfoil when done, then you will have access to Pixel Shop!



switch-confirmchannel에 접속한 뒤 본인의 대한 접근 요청인지에 대한 물음에 yes를 클릭하기


여기까지 하면 끝



다운로드가 안되면 구글드라이브 설정을 하고

다운로드가 되었지만 실행이 안되면 시그패치를 새로 해줄것



만약 틴포일 실행후 게임을 다운로드 하려는데 무한대기나 새게임이 뵈지 않는다면 구글드라이브 토큰 설정이 필요함

구글드라이브 설정을  해야하며 누구나 무료로 가능함


-> 구글드라이브 설정 방법은 아래 방법대로 하면 됨, 원문이 영어라 영어 그대로.. 간단한 영어 수준이니 보고 클릭클릭만 하면 됨


NUT파일은 아래 둘 중 하나의 하이퍼링크를 따라서 다운받아서 설치



  1. RunNUT
  2. Click Setup GDrive Oauth
  3. Follow the steps on the webpage that opens to "Create a project and enable the API" for Drive.
  4. Click step 1 on the Creat a project and enable the API steps that says "Open the Google Cloud Console".
  5. Click +New Project (the previous page had more detailed steps if you can't figure this out, or watch the video below).
  6. Name the project any unique name.
  7. Click on API and Services, search for Google Drive API and enabled it.
  8. Click on API and Services and click on Credentials.
  9. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID.
  10. Configure OAuth consent: Select External, name it whatever, put your email in the required fields, and publish to production (do not leave in testing)
  11. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID, make a desktop credential and download the OAuth Client ID credentials
  12. Rename the OAuth secret-[random characters].json to credentials.json and place in the same directory as nut.exe
  13. Click Setup Gdrive Oauth in nut.exe again
  14. Click Yes, choose the google account that you created the project with and select Advanced/Trust and Allow
  15. Copy the gdrive.token and credentials.json from the folder with nut.exe to your Nintendo Switch SD's /switch/tinfoil/ folder
  16. Add new file location in Tinfoil's file browser with blank gdrive protocol (no path) and make sure you see your google drive folder/files and if not that mean you still not succeed setup Oauth and you should question your existence .. try the above steps again



위에서 시킨대로 해주면gdrive.token을 생성할 수 있게되고 생성된 토큰을 SD카드의 틴포일 폴더에 넣어둠



아래 내용들은 참고할 사이트



서버 작동 확인



레딧 주소


About Gdrive Oauth

What the fuck is OAuth? look like black magic to me!!! Hell no i will touch that things! look so complicated!

Well I don't know either fools. Go google it if you want to know more about it . Just do as we recommended, so yo ass no more crying about failing downloads, file forbidden and Invalid PFS0 Magic.. Google drive is a very bad sharing file for non-authenticated user, get yo ass authenticated witj tjos guide. i'm drunk asf

How to Setup Gdrive Oauth

  1. RunNUT
  2. Click Setup GDrive Oauth
  3. Follow the steps on the webpage that opens to "Create a project and enable the API" for Drive.
  4. Click step 1 on the Creat a project and enable the API steps that says "Open the Google Cloud Console".
  5. Click +New Project (the previous page had more detailed steps if you can't figure this out, or watch the video below).
  6. Name the project any unique name.
  7. Click on API and Services, search for Google Drive API and enabled it.
  8. Click on API and Services and click on Credentials.
  9. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID.
  10. Configure OAuth consent: Select External, name it whatever, put your email in the required fields, and publish to production (do not leave in testing)
  11. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID, make a desktop credential and download the OAuth Client ID credentials
  12. Rename the OAuth secret-[random characters].json to credentials.json and place in the same directory as nut.exe
  13. Click Setup Gdrive Oauth in nut.exe again
  14. Click Yes, choose the google account that you created the project with and select Advanced/Trust and Allow
  15. Copy the gdrive.token and credentials.json from the folder with nut.exe to your Nintendo Switch SD's /switch/tinfoil/ folder
  16. Add new file location in Tinfoil's file browser with blank gdrive protocol (no path) and make sure you see your google drive folder/files and if not that mean you still not succeed setup Oauth and you should question your existence .. try the above steps again





GitHub - carcaschoi/tinfoil-json: Luffshop for tinfoil (nin switch)

Luffshop for tinfoil (nin switch). Contribute to carcaschoi/tinfoil-json development by creating an account on GitHub.

